Sunday, 17 May 2009

Blades (stage 5) part 1

The final stage of the blade-making.
Take a look at the following pictures...

1.) Blade braces (not yet sprayed).
I sprayed one side, but dad needed to cut and shape them.

2.) Blades (facing right).

3.) Pattern (facing right).

4.) Pattern (facing left).

Dad is in the process of making the circles for the mounts. They are looking GOOD.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Blades (stage 4) Part 3 - Attaching Handles

The handles have been stuck on. Dad reckons he has to drill through the ball to MAKE SURE it all stays in place. It should be alright, but he wants to do that to be safe rather than sorry. However, I just hope that goes to plan. There's a lot of hoping involved in cosplaying it seems... -_-'

1.) Handle (on shed floor).
It looks precarious, I know.

2.) Handle on blade (side).
It's attached this time.

3.) Handle on blade (from above).
Attached of course.

4.) Handle with U piece shown (not attached yet).
Those U pieces have been re-painted since I took that picture.

5.) Holding the blade.
Without any support underneath there.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Leggings + Blades (stage 4) Part 2

Alright, finally I have something positive to say about the leggings. Well, the FRONT at least. The back is yet to come and it's yet another worrying aspect of this costume. I'm confident we'll get it to at least acceptable standard though.

Please note, the yellow thread you can see is where mum tacked the panels on beforehand. Those will be taken out.

Ok, pictures...
1.) Front - distance.
2.) Front - side.
3.) Front - close.

On picture 3 you can see clearly they do bag a bit, but there's really no other way we can do it.
I still think they look good on these photos though.


1.) Oval handle additions.
On Rayne's blades, the handles at the bulb end are rounded, but also form into a slightly more oval shape at the bottom. The gaps will be filled in and painted that chrome colour to try and mask how they've been joined a bit.

2.) Painted plastic template for the braces.
The size may need to be altered slightly. Also, the plastic has been spray painted.

3.) Blades - painted.
Theoretically they should now be ready for the handles to be attached, and then for the pattern to be drawn on.

It's coming along.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Blades (stage 4) Part 1 - Handles

We're getting the handles done now. They're only partially made at the moment, but they'll be fixed in place soon enough. Here are a few pictures...

1.) Handle piece with screw.
2.) Handle piece screwed to ball.
3.) Handle with ball placed over blade.

As you can see in the third picture, the blade is painted. Both of them need painting again before I try and draw the pattern on them, but they're looking good so far.